Sassy Style Redesign: Banners
Banners are all the rage in decorating for parties, get together’s and holiday’s. Join Tausha today as she shares some fun and unique banners that you can make to decorate for spring with. For other party supply needs be sure to check out my source, Bake It Pretty
Megan transforms a Men's tie into a girly accessory! You are going to see those 2nd hand ties in a whole new way! Plus check out her Men's Ties Refashioned pinterest board for many more ideas! Visit the website or follow Megan's Pinterest

Today we truly have an unforgettable kit from My Mind’s Eye. It is their Brand NEW release from CHA. It has just the right mix of colors to create an eye catching collection perfect for your next products. The extras with this kit are unbelievable!AS A SPECIAL WEEKEND OFFER . . . RECEIVE AN EXTRA DOLLAR OFF VIDEO PRICING!
Today's Cost $18.99
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