Join us today and tomorrow at Scrapbook USA Expo. The My Craft Channel booth is the first one you see when you walk into the Expo Center. We have a store in one side and then Make & Takes and filming on the other... sort of like a MULLET, "Business in the Front and Party in the Back!" Find out more information here.
Sassy Style: Junk Bow Spring Wreath
Join Tausha as she shares what the heck a junk bow is & how to make one. Once you have made a junk bow, you will love her idea of making a fun, springtime wreath. For more springtime decorating ideas, check out Tausha’s blog-

Great Toilet Paper Roll Challenge Postponed
More to come... Our awesome host Tausha Hoyt has been revoering from 3rd degreen burns on her legs for the past two weeks and asked that we extend the deadline another week. Watch our blog for more information this coming Monday!
Have too many vacation, concert or sport teams t-shirts? Maybe you've got a top with some sentimental value to you. Megan shares 2 different ways to enjoy them all the time and cherish the memories in a new way! Plus one of Megan's favorite "side kicks" joins her in the studio today! Learn more about ReFashion Your Life here

Today is a collection of our FAVORITE Glitz Designs 6x6 pads. These designs range from romantic to eclectic. You will receive 4 6x6 pads from the following collections: Yours Truly, Love you Madly, Vintage Blue, and Cashmere Dame.
Today's Cost $12.99
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