
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Backstage Prime Time Pass Details Revealed

Introducing our latest product offering, the new Backstage Prime Time Pass. Do you consider yourself a MCC roadie and cannot get enough? Or are you one of our friends that misses our Featured Buys simply because you aren't online until the evenings. Well you will love our Backstage "Prime Time" Pass.

The difference between the Backstage Pass is the deals are a great value and typically $9.99 - $14.99 (or 80% plus off retail).

We will not be sending you a second email to announce the Backstage Pass... simply because we know too many emails is annoying. Second because these deals are sure to go FAST.

So join us each evening at 7:00pm MST to find out what the Backstage Prime Time Pass is for that evening. You can jump right to our SHOP page on our website or follow us on FACEBOOK. We'll announce that current deal on there each evening at 7:00pm MST.

Another part of the Backstage Prime Time Pass is this gives us the opportunity to introduce you to our "Backstage CREW". Our team that works in the warehouse is extraordinary and we appreciate all their hard work to get your packages shipped out to you. They are the reason we are offering the Backstage Prime Time Pass.

So since we're introducing a new program to you, we thought we'd introduce you the crew backstage at My Craft Channel.
Don't mistake this man for a movie star, he's Shannon our Warehouse Manager/Customer Service.
This is Kristine's beautiful daughter Kelsey...she's counting so don't interrupt her!
This is the spicy Kamrie...she leaps tall buildings and climbs shelves in a single bound.
This is the charming and strong Tanner!

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