
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013 - Happy New Year + Public Access Announcement

My Craft Channel Announcement: Weekend Public Access

How would you like to be part of My Craft Channel. We're opening up our weekends to you, our viewers and sharing your craft tutorials on the weekends. Film you crafty video and email us a link to You must include in your introduction your name, where you're from and mention something about "My Craft Channel". We're review the videos and contact you if you are selected with further instructions.

Featured Buy: Scraponizer Storage Blast

It’s time to organize!  Today we are featuring the entire line up of the Scraponizer Storage solutions.  You will have your choice of the 12x12 Storage Library, the 8.5”x11” Storage Tool Box, or The Cartridge Storage Solution.  Simply click on this email and it will take you to the shopping cart and you can click on which Storage Solution works best for you!

Today's Cost $19.99-29.99

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