
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baby Photos Revealed

This hard to see little photo is the amazing founder of My Craft Channel, Kristine McKay

This darling, happy little baby girl is (you guessed it) Staci Potter. Her sparkling eyes are still the same today!! 

This not so happy little girl is the very happy and beautiful woman that we're pleased to know, Teresa Collins.

We all agreed this little girl had as much style back then as she does now, which is very fitting for the very talented Megan Pyrah from Refashion It and Brassy Apple.

I think the brown hair gave this one away a bit, but this little one about to blow out her candle (in a marshmallow) is Lori Allred. 

And of course this beautiful blonde baby girl about to dance around her cake or fall into it, is the very stylish Heidi Swapp!


  1. nothing sweeter than babies. and they all grew up to be crafty!

  2. I loved seeing all these pics! You were all adorable babies!


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