
Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept. 21st: Craf-tee Tote, Refashion It, Glimmer Mists

Refashion It: Craf-Tee Tote

Ever think that embroidery hoops could be purse handles? Today's project will have your raiding your craft stash. Get out the extra fabric, buttons and of course a Tshirt! Megan will show you how to use many different supplies and refashion them into a cute totebag! You can see more photos of this project HERE.

Using Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists
MCC Special Feature

We challenged Staci Potter to try out Tattered Angels spray mists. Never having crafted with them before, Staci was hooked and shares her fun ideas using this new crafting staple. 

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