
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aug. 14th: New Mixed Media Show, Resin, Cinch

Everyday Creative - Resin Art Jewelry 

Exploring the basics of resin jewelry with a mixed media twist. Join artist, Liz Hicks from as she shares her love of being creative with every day items.

Did you know? After an episode has aired on My Craft Channel that you can embed it onto you own blog to share with your followers? It will look something like this intro episode Liz filmed.  

Featured Buy: We R Cinch Bundle 

The Cinch makes booking binding quick, easy and affordable! It is the best binding tool on the market for home, school and office projects! You can punch perfectly round holes, customize hole spacing, punch any length of book, and cinch .325-1.25" wires. The Cinch is great for making mini albums, recipe books, presentations, and more! Find out for yourself why scrapbookers, crafters and mix media artists are trading in their old binding systems and raving about the Cinch!  This kit includes the machine3 sets of binding wires, and a wire cutting tool. 
MSRP $130.00
Today's Cost $79.99


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