
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Winners from Friday's Sweeps Week Contests

We had so much fun on our last day of Sweeps Week contests. But we were so tired by 9:00pm on Friday that we forgot to post the final list of winners. 

8:00am Challenge Contest: Send us a link to your blog and tell us what you blog about the most. If you’re not a blogger, then send a link of your favorite blog and tell us why it’s your favorite. PRIZE: Teresa Collins Notations Kit
WINNER: Lynda Jeffs - I'm all about teaching people how to scrapbook and make cards on what they have at home... I'm all for saving money when you create - by spending money wisely!

9:00am Question Contest: What is your favorite thing about Fridays? PRIZE: Rhonna Farrer Shadow Box Kit
WINNER: fotobrooke
I love Fridays because they bring the hope of some great family time on the weekend -- and we can stay up late without the worry of a 6 a.m. alarm. (My daughter let us sleep to about 7 instead!) ;)
10:00am Photo Contest: Submit a picture of your laundry room. PRIZE: 7 Gypsies Tray

WINNER: Jennie Berger
11:00am Photo Contest: Post a picture of a vinyl project you use in your home. PRIZE: Worth Remembering Paper pack from Bazzill
WINNER: Shannon Colon
Loved the personalize garbage cans!
12:00pm Photo Contest: Submit a picture of the entire contents of your purse. PRIZE: My Signature Series Book
WINNER: Angela Alexander
1:00pm Question Contest: Do you sew, knit, crochet, embroider or all of the above? PRIZE: Vintage Vogue Paper Kit by Pink Paislee
WINNER: JuPooh65
I cross stitch and embroider. I WANT to learn how to knit and crochet and my mom has tried to teach me several tmes, but I am hopeless at it! Maybe you could have some knitting and crocheting for dummies shows! lol :)
2:00pm Photo Contest: Submit a picture of an unfinished craft project. PRIZE: Celebrate paper Kit from Authentique
WINNER: Jamie Papantonakis
3:00pm Question Contest: What craft blog or website do you visit the most often? PRIZE: April Scrapbook Trends
WINNER: Ashley Cook and!!
4:00pm Photo Contest: Submit a picture of the last project you completed. PRIZE: Basic Grey Rub-on Kit
WINNER: Tifany DeGough
5:00pm Question Contest: Do get together with friends to be crafty? If so, what do you do and how often? PRIZE: Jaybird Street paper pack from Bazzill
WINNER: Leslie Kiley
We have a weekly scrap night and one of us brings dinner> Most of us scrapbook but some bring other projects such as knitting or home decor items! we have done this for about 2 years now.
6:00pm Photo Contest: Upload your favorite card you either made or received? PRIZE: My Signature Series Book
WINNER: Julie Kauffman (Cricut Chick)
7:00pm Question Contest: What product would you guy if offered on My Craft Channel as a Featured Buy? PRIZE: Glitz Girls Sticker Kit
WINNER: Aunt Prissy
I'd love to see project kits that would include everything you need to complete it. Im' also thrilled to see anything new to the market.
8:00pm Challenge Contest: Check out the Scrapbook Expo list of events and tell us which one is closest to where you live? PRIZE: 7 Gypsies photo Carousel + 4 Tickets to a Scrapbook Expo Event

WINNER: cin2273
The one in Ontaario which is the first one I ever went to and happens to fall in my birthday month! So, I consider all of my purchases a gift to myself!

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