
Thursday, March 29, 2012

TC Stampmaker Grand Prize Winner Announced

We asked you our viewers to submit a short video on "Why you love My Craft Channel" and we received so many great videos. So we selected the following winner at random and we're excited to announce our Grand Prize Winner from yesterday is: 
Shanda Harrington

TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: Please email us your shipping information to Put "TC Stampmaker Winner" in the subject line. You have until Monday 4/2 to claim your prize.


  1. Congrats to the winner and what a cute video with baby!

  2. Congratulations! I love Teresa Collins too. Your video was fabulous, especially the cameo appearance.

  3. LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE this video...Congratulations Shanda! The little spit bubble send off was priceless!

  4. oh my gosh, cuteness! gongrats to you! You are going to love playing with your stampmaker (when the baby is napping of course!)

  5. Congrats! your video was awesome, too cute for words!

  6. Well done indeed Shanda; you managed to talk sensibly despite your gorgeous child wanting to get in on the act. I hope you get some time to enjoy the stampmaker. I'm mega jealous :-)

  7. Wow! Thank you so much! I just emailed my inforomation. Thank you from me and my little girl Kennedy.

  8. Congrats Shanda!! From watching your video I know you are going to love your new grand prize.

    Precious Hugs

  9. Congrats, you will totally love Teresa Collins Stamp-Maker, I have one, I love mine it's so cool how it works, you'll have so much fun! Check out Teresa Collins website for monthly images.

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