
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sweeps Week Continues...Thursday's Grand Prize Contest

Today's Grand Prize is a great one. It's an Imaginisce I-Top 2.0 Bundle worth over $100. You'll receive the i-top 2.0 tool that makes the XL brads, badges and buttons! You have until 8:00pm tonight to enter this contest and it's a fun one. 

CONTEST: Upload either a photograph or video of something you've created with a past FEATURED BUY product kit from My Craft Channel. You must upload it to our Facebook Contest Tab.*

Not all product show...there's a lot MORE!! 
HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winners after each post, so be sure to come back and see if you won. We'll also post a final winners list at the end of the day. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. 

*Remember your photos and videos will not automatically post to our Facebook wall. We have to manually pull those off and repost them. We hope to repost as many as possible, but we might accidentally miss a few. 


  1. Photo sent where I used the PowderPuff Chalking Inks - hope it was received!

  2. I would rather be crafting than taking a fun vacation, for me crafting gives me such a feeling of accomplishment plus memories to keep after.

  3. I would rather be crafting than taking a fun vacation, for me crafting gives me such a feeling of accomplishment plus memories to keep after.

  4. My BFF and I have been drooling over this tool...I love buttons and we want to explore making fabric covered buttons for our projects. I uploaded a picture of an Altered Journal I made using Doodlebug Design twine featured at My Craft Channel HERE >>>

  5. Unfortunately, I don't "do" Facebook so I can't upload a pic but if I could it would be of the new MME papers.


We welcome your comments, but to better manage comments and control the amount of spam we are receiving we have decided that it would be best to have you jump over to our Facebook page and leave your comment there or private message us at However, if you have customer service issues please email

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.