
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8:00pm Contest (last one today)

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

QUESTION: Are you a late night crafter (how late) or an early morning crafter? 
Leave a comment under this 
post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about the Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! Details here...


  1. I am late night crafter...I have crafted until 2 am but at least until 12am...

  2. I am SUCH a late night crafter! I have had to force myself to not start crafting after 10pm because I will look up, and it will be 2am!!!

  3. Definitely a late night NOT a morning person! :)

  4. Late, usually from around 8:00-11:00.

  5. Late nights for me!!!


  6. late night into the wee hours of the morning :) so both!

  7. I am a late night crafter...I can't seem to get inspired in the morning, but once I get rolling at night...I'm sometimes up til 1:00 AM.

  8. Late nights once the kids are in bed for sure! :)

  9. A little bit of both. It all depends on my rambunctious little ones and their schedule. They typically are up and about by 7:00 a.m. so I can start crafting right after breakfast. But some days, it is more peaceful and serene to do it after everyone else including the pre-teen, teenager, and dh, have went to bed! Oh, and the amount of caffeinated beverages I consume plays a role, too (LOL).
    Have a Good Night All!

  10. I'm a late night scrapbooker. I have a two year old so I get up with him in the morning and so the day begins. After he goes to sleep is when I find the time to spend on scrapbooking. However if I find time in the day when I can include him in my scrapbooking I will. He loves crafts too!

  11. I am a all night crafter! I can stay at it till 2-3 in the morning!

  12. I am a whenever I can scrapper. I wish I could stay up late. 10- 10:30 is about my limit. I can stay up later for a night or two and then I pay.

  13. I get my second wind after 11pm and can scrapbook into the wee hours of the morning.

  14. I'm guilty of pulling all-nighters to finish projects that I get excited about completing. I'm more of a night crafter. Mornings are only doable with a few cups of good coffee. :)

  15. definitely late night; like 1am-3am'ish!

  16. Mostly late night! On the weekend I have been known to stay up until 2 or 3am! I work during the week so if I'm crafting during the week I try to wrap up by 11pm.

  17. I start my morning at 4:00 am watch My Craft Channel get all inspired then go to my studio around 6am. I am a sooooo early scrapper

  18. I am a late night scrapper usually, midnight-1. Occasionally I am a morning scrapper around 6am. Just depends on my work schedule.

  19. I'm a late nighter,maybe 12:00ish! :)

  20. Some nights you will find me crafting all night. ;o)

    1. You are the WINNER Please email your mailing address to

    2. Thank you so much! I am so excited and can't wait to receive the magazine. I have sent the information requested.

  21. I'm am definitely a late night crafter! Probably till midnight which is really late for me as I like my beauty sleep! LOL Shannon

  22. I have been up as late as 3:00 am crafting!

  23. mostly a late nighter-nothing is sweeter than the smell of paper in my room at 2am-while the house is quiet, all 4 babies tucked in bed-mommy time!:)

  24. I craft mostly at night after dinner 8pm.

  25. I'm a late night crafter too. Seems I only get things done when the family is asleep!

  26. I try not to craft too late at night, but don't always succeed. Usually, I force myself to quit at 10:00, but I find myself thinking about the project till I fall asleep and then again when I wake up!

  27. Late night (for me at least--around midnight) AND early morning---6:00am. I do some before my family wakes up and needs me and I do some after I get them in bed for the night. (I also sneak some in during the day when I should be cleaning or doing laundry.) Shhhhhh! Don't tell my hubby. :)

  28. Late night... to much going on earlier... plus I have stalked my blogs all day and am ready to go...

  29. Neither! I'm middle of the day when kids are at school & husband's at work!

  30. I tend to wake up with ideas brewing. So when I'm not watching my little grand daughter I scrap first thing in the morning. On the weekends, I tend to scrap/craft at night.

  31. I'm an anytime I have insomnia so I craft when I wake up at night... It's quite and Serene and I love that. I craft when i get spare time throughout the day as well. Anytime of day or night is a good time to craft.:D

  32. I'm a super early morning crafter like 6am and sometimes get ideas from my dreams!

  33. I craft anytime my kids are asleep...which mostly means late night....

  34. Seriously late night here. I am not an early morning anything generally speaking. I'm up every night well after midnight.

  35. Late night here, after everyone has gone to bed, around 9.

  36. Late night for sure. I have a toddler and a 6 year old daughter and it is hard to lay out all my scrapbook items without having my toddler taking them and hiding them or having my 6 year wanting to do some scrap booking with me. So 9 PM to whenever is the ideal time.

  37. I've actually become a mid-day crafter nowadays...

  38. Generally late night. I hate mornings to begin with and usually the little one gets up not much later than I do so there's no time anyway. At night, the little one and hubby are both down for the count so it's all my time.

  39. I don't know why it shows unknown but my name is Luisa Brown...I need to get this fixed.

  40. Definitely late night. I mean two or three am crafter. My little girl is right there with me if I let her too. We are night owls for sure!

  41. I am usually a afternoon to late night! With a 4 year old I have to wait till someone is home usually!

  42. Late night with a nice drink of wine....

  43. early early morning but every once in a while i stay up alllllll night!

  44. almost always late night. till the wee hours!

  45. I have always been a night owl. Usually the only time I craft during the day is if I am home alone. (DH works from home.)

  46. I am not a morning person so I usually craft in the afternoon or the evening. If there is nothing on TV and I get the urge to make a card, I'll go into the craft room at 7 or 8 p.m. and work for several hours. I do my best work later in the day.

  47. Neither. With 3 kids under the age of 6, and two of them being twins, I'm a "whenever I have a free moment" scrapper!

  48. I on occasion will craft late at night around 10p.m no early mornings, too busy checking blog land!!

  49. I'm a nighttime crafter for sure. If I'm on a roll it can easily stretch in the morning before I now it.

  50. Usually midday for me....when the kids are in school. I'm usually beat in the evening! And am I'm running kids and errands, etc.

  51. I'm a crafty night owl! I'll look at the clock and wonder "how is it 1 am already?".
    Thanks for a fun day at MCC!

  52. Early morning....definitly. My friends call me a light weight at week end crops cause im the first to bed

  53. Ha! I am a late night crafter that stays up until 2 or 3 in the morning or sometimes all night long!!

  54. I tend to be a mid-day crafter. I either craft when I get home early from work or on weekend afternoons.

  55. That's an easy one! LATE NIGHT and ALL NIGHT!

  56. Late night crafter usually 10pm to midnight

  57. I am more of a start in the afternoon crafter, and go all night.

  58. I prefer mornings, but usually I don't get much opportunity until later in the afternoons.

  59. Late night - after the kids are all sleeping :)

  60. I'm a day time crafter since I work evenings.

  61. I get my best ideas in the morning (usually brewing while I'm sleeping, too!)

  62. I get wonderful ideas at the most inopprotune time. LOL! I'm a night time crafter through and through, the kiddos go to sleep and I try to remember what I thought of earlier in the day. :)

  63. I would to say anytime but, it's a late one for me. In a house with two daughters and a husband, my crafting time is set for LATE PM

  64. I am both. Depends on what is going on that day and if my desk is cleaned off.

  65. I'm actually more of a middle-of-the-day crafter. I'm not awake enough in the morning. If I had to choose one of those two, I'd rather craft at night.

  66. I'm a late night crafter that turns into an early morning crafter:)

  67. I am an early morning crafter :)

  68. I'm a late night crafter. I can stay up all night crafting.

  69. Work by day, craft late late by night!

  70. late night...when I get too..

  71. love to craft after kids and dinner
    There winding down and cleaning up for evening once there off to bed i usually craft til early morning hours 2 3 am

  72. I'm a late night crafter. It's not uncommon to find me in my craft room after 1:30am.

  73. I am an early morning crafter, My lighting here is not so good, so I get the crafting done while the lighting i=s good.

  74. Start n the evening & call it a day before the sun comes up

  75. I am a late night crafter which sometimes can lead into early am just in time to get kids off to school and then catch a few hours of sleep. When I am on a roll I keep going!

  76. Late, late, 3 to 4 am, unless I have to work the next day of course.

  77. I am a night scrapper, but only until midnight or 1am.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. late night for sure! That's when my kiddos are asleep and it's all quiet on the western front!!! LOL....Sometimes my crafty craziness doesn't even begin until after 10pm and goes all the the way until the wee hours of the morn!

  79. I like either depends on what I have going on

  80. Totally a night owl!!! I am always up after midnight working on my latest present or page!

  81. I craft best in the afternoon/early evening. I like crafting in natural sunlight.

  82. I am a late night crafter, sometimes until 2:00 in the morning.

  83. For sure a Late LATE night crafter...depending on my shift i'm usually up past 11pm during weeknights...mighty hard to get up at 5:30am i tell you...thanks for the chance to win..

  84. I am Definately A night crafter,I have my craft area well lit and evrything i need to not waste time getting up and loose any minute. I stayed up the lastest until 1am.

  85. Late night crafter. Much more focused at night and sometimes don't look up until midnite. Quiet house, no it.

  86. Im a day time crafter

    mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

  87. I usually craft during the day but once in a while I craft late nights while everyone is sleeping.

  88. sometimes morning, but usually late night

  89. Late Night! That's MY time. Love it when my friends and I get together on Friday nights for our late night crops - midnight and later!

  90. def late night I have 2 kids and 1 is a toddler I cant do anything with her awake....... she's not nicknamed distructo for nothin LOL !!!

  91. Definitely a Late Night Crafters.

  92. I'm a night owl say 2 or 3 am. I get into the groove and boom I cant stop. Thanks for all you do and share, God bless you and yours.

  93. I'm changing over to a morning crafter. I'm in a new season of life!

  94. Replies
    1. Does that mean she won the grand prize or just the 8 PM?

  95. For sure a late night crafter. No distractions!

  96. Im a late nitght crafter, sometimes I cant wait till the kids are in bed.

  97. I am a late night crafter, or any time I can sneak in some crafting time is good.
    Peggy N

  98. I'm a whenever I get a chance crafter. Morning, afternoon or night. They're all alright :)

  99. I'm a "whenever" I get a chnce to craft, and feel well enough to do so!
    Sue O

  100. I am definitely a late night crafter. I'm working on a project right now!

  101. I am a what my family calls a vampire hour crafter...late night hours into wee hours in the morning.

  102. Usually both! When everyone else is asleep and they don't need my attention! We call that TAM'S TIME in my house. When the door is shut to the scrapbook room, don't bother coming in..... :-) Get your own popcorn! Oh, and bring me some when it's popped. LOL

  103. Late night... When I have the house to myself

  104. I scrapbook early in the morning when all is quiet. I scrapbook late at night when all is quiet. I scrapbook all the time.


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