
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

11:00am Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Submit a photo of your messy (or clean) craft space on our Facebook Contest Page*.

*(Please do not post to our wall.) 

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.


  1. I just posted mine, under MJ's Kraze.

  2. Thanks goodness mine is kinda clean!

  3. I am so Thankful for my little crafty nook! Thanks for a fun contest! I am having a blast!

  4. Just posted. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. I hope that it worked. I'm NOT a computer person.

  6. Oh, I am a messy person! my scrap desk.

  7. just posted my big mess!! accountant cpas

  8. I'm hoping since the form was still up on the Facebook page that I entered in time. Thing is, you don't list which time zone you're running these giveaways from!

  9. tried to upload photo at my craft channel sweeps contest page and it keeps saying this account is already used. Its to be added in the photo contest area right?

  10. Sent a pic but not sure it went through. I am laying on the couch checking my iPad every few minutes trying to get another great deal from My Craft Channel.

  11. congratulations Susan Dodge you are our photo Challenge winner for our 11 am contest

  12. PIctures won't go through - something about cookies! Congrats to the winners!

  13. I sent it but its not up yet. I sure hope it shows up.

  14. My craft room is pretty small. I have a lot of shelves for storage but I often forget where something is. I have that problem with the table where I do all my crafting. I have so much stuff laying on the table that I lose things and I waste a lot of time looking for something. Then I find it right in front of me.


We welcome your comments, but to better manage comments and control the amount of spam we are receiving we have decided that it would be best to have you jump over to our Facebook page and leave your comment there or private message us at However, if you have customer service issues please email

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.