
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Today on My Craft Channel: Dec 6

Books & Crafts: Picture Book Projects

Get design, journaling, or album inspiration from your favorite children's books. Wendy and Angie from are here to share three meaningful projects inspired by picture books. Find all of the featured books from this episode at

Get a Little Creative: Paper Crafting
The girls host the fun and creative Kami from No Biggie in today's episode. They discuss Kami's darling paper crafting projects that have been featured on her blog. Kami also shares how to create a 3D paper garland.

Featured Buy:  Making Memories Scorer/Trimmer

Make Beautiful Rosettes, envelopes, and perfect folds every time.  The all-in-one paper Scorer and Trimmer from Making Memories will open the door to a whole new crafting experience.  It comes with a bone folder, envelope guide and easily folds for storage. (One Sheet Box Instructions below the images.)

MSRP $39.99
Our Price $27.99

Create Rosettes of all sizes - instructions 
for measurements and finished sizes included in tool box.

Scoring stars so they become 3D is simple - along with envelopes of all sizes! 

Create boxes of all types, shapes and sizes. This one is so simple 
we're sharing an easy diagram below so you can create it too. 


  1. wow, today's product is great. is there a plce to get the star template or directions?

  2. Is there any way to print out the instructions for this craft???????????


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