
Monday, October 3, 2011

We are Live!

Can you believe after all this time that the channel is finally live! Crafters from around the world can now view their favorite bloggers and crafty talent share with you their ideas, inspiration and creative projects. Don't forget to sign up as a VIP Member so you'll be the first to hear about what's going on around My Craft Channel.

Each day during the week we'll also offer a new "Featured Buy" deal on our site. Our sponsors are very excited to be part of the channel and want to pass along the savings on their hottest products. Today's Featured Buy is the new Cutterpillar (not available in stores yet). Seriously the coolest cutter ever made and we've made it affordable for you!!

Today's Shows
Today you will learn from the DIY Dish's Kim and Kris how to make a unique dress form pin cushion. I Heart Faces Amy and Angie give us great tips and advise on planning for your next family photo shoot. And Teresa Collins shares a touching story of her A to Z Document Book project.

And each day Shelby from Embellish It will share a quick Tip of the Day and don't forget our amazing "Featured Buy" that you will NOT want to miss!

Go to today!


  1. I have been trying to purchase the cutterpillar since day 1 but I get errors every time. :-(


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