
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Today on My Craft Channel: Thursday Oct 13

Today's Episodes:

Color is Everywhere

Stacy's amazing talent for inspiring scrapbookers around the globe to do "something" with "some" of their pictures rings true in this episode. You'll learn Stacy's process for working with color and teach you how to choose the color of your memories.

Creative Backgrounds Part 2

Join Christy as she reminds us there are no rules, just creative artsy play. This week's episode teaches you how to create texture on backgrounds with stamps, paint and more. Learn to how easy, messy and fun adding depth and dimension to your projects can be.

Tip of the Day: Embellishment Packaging

Shelby shares a great tip on how to use your embellishment packaging to create fast and simple templates. Be sure to visit Embellish It online store today!

Featured Buy: Simple Stories 100 Days of Summer Kit

 6) sheets of 12x12 cardstock
 1) 12x12 fundamentals cardstock sticker sheet
 1) 12x12 expressions cardstock sticker sheet
30) double-sided cut-a-part element pieces
 6) 4x6 Transparent photo overlays
10) 12x12 custom pocket page protectors 

$19.99 (Retail Value of $29.99)


  1. I really don't know what is going on but every time I come to your website to see what you have for the day. I can not get to to the right place to actually watch the video tutorials.

  2. I'm ordering 4 sets of the 100 Days of Summer....It sure would be nice if you would cut a deal on shipping when purchasing multiples of an item! $28 for shipping really hurts!

  3. I agree I cannot get to the video tutorial either!

  4. Go to this link!

  5. I would suggest a link to the .com site to make it easy to get over there. I don't seem to see one.

  6. I agree with the previous comments. I like getting the updates in my feed reader, but if there are no links to the shows, it is not very helpful

  7. Okay, I finally found the site to watch the shows, but have used up all my time available this morning to watch. Oh well...maybe next time. Thank you, aremus, for the link. I have bookmarked it now.

  8. I love Stacy, and would love to see the cideo.... But Argh! How do I find it? The title is not clickable, and when I click on the video screenshot with the little play-icon, it takes me to a bigger version of the picture! It would be nice if it played embedded or at least linked to the video. :-)
    I guess I could type in the name of the website, click my way through it, hoping to find the video .... but I have better things to do than click around all morning.


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