
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today on My Craft Channel: Oct 25

Today's Episodes:

Get a Little Creative: Decorate Your World

Join the panel as they host The Crafty Chicks as they show you a family fun craft project. Learn how to make a globe unique to your family with a little mod podge and glitter.

Ella Publishing: Book Frames

Wendy and Angie will teach you how to create a one-of-a-kind book frame out of old hardbound books.

Tip of the Day:  Foam Tape

Learn how easy can be to add dimension to your paper crafting projects. Today only, FREE foam tape with purchase of BOO KIT as seen in today's episode, visit Embellish It today to place your order.

Featured Buy: My Mind's Eye Mischievous Kit & Project
My Mind's Eye has done it again with this fun, whimsical take on Halloween. Included is an idea sheet to create this fun chipboard album. Normally $17.00, today only $9.99. BUY NOW


  1. I really like these shows.. but one thing I wish.. is that there was a way to save your favorites to a list.. So you could go back and look at the ones you really liked, and didn't have to search the whole site..thanks

  2. Oh.. and for the deal of the day.. I wish you all had a paypal option.. That's the only way I shop online.. so I have wanted a few of these things and can't get them.. also where does it state how much the shipping is? Thanks


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