
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today on My Craft Channel: Oct 18

Did you see that we posted the winners from our Premier Party from last week. If you missed it and want to see if you're a winner then check out this earlier post.

Today's Episodes:

Get a Little Creative: Brassy Apple

The panel hosts Meg from Brassy Apple as they discuss clothing refashioning. Also learn how to take previously worn t-shirt and turn it into something fresh and fashionable.

Ella Publishing Books & Crafts: Treasure Box

Wendy and Angie review the book, The Repurposed Library. Inspired by the book, they share how easy it is to make a treasure box out of an old book in today's episode.

Tip of the Day:  Repurposed Sticker Embellishment

Learn how to create embellishments that coordinate perfectly with any 3D or layered stickers you might have laying around. Visit Embellish It today!

Featured Buy:  BLINGAGE

This package includes over 50 pieces with 10 packages of "Blingage" accessories hand-picked by Teresa Collins herself.

Only $19.99 (MSRP $40)


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