
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wendy and Angie Invite YOU to Boot Camp!

Wendy Smedley and Angie Lucas (that's me!) are thrilled to be hosting our own show, Books & Crafts with Ella Publishing Co., on My Craft Channel! We had a blast filming our first set of episodes, and we've got a dozen more projects halfway started, and SO MANY more ideas swirling around in these nerdy little heads of ours. (We LOVE books, we love scrapbooking, and we love Jane Austen with all our hearts, so yes you probably can safely call us nerds. It's a good thing that "geek chic" is in right now!)

Since we're all waiting anxiously for the fall season to start on October 3rd, why not kill some time by spending a week with us in Boot Camp!?! It's coming to a computer near you next week, September 19 through 24. 

What is Boot Camp?

We'll it's the world's TOP military-themed, video-centric scrapbooking event OF ALL TIME! And YOU can join us and hundreds of fellow scrapbookers from September 19-24 (NEXT WEEK!) to enjoy:

  • 12 amazing video drills
  • 6 bonus inspiration videos
  • bonus downloads
  • daily giveaways
  • 40+ minutes of inspired, targeted, bite-sized crafting each day
All of this for just $33. Or use the coupon code GIJANE to save $2 now! 

Our drill instructors include:
  • Angie Lucas on journaling
  • Nichol Magouirk on stamping
  • Lisa Dickinson on design
  • Maggie Holmes on photo effects
  • Wendy Smedley on inspiration
Watch this short preview video to see actual footage from four of our video drills, so you can see a teeny tiny slice of what you'll be getting as a registered Boot Camp Recruit!

And if that didn't convince you, Wendy and I are not above donning pink camo hats in order to recruit you to our fun event (and YES we'll also be giving one of these hats away to a Boot Camper, too!):

If you're still thinking about it, but haven't yet decided, at least leave a comment below, because we're picking ONE random winner who gets in for FREE. (If you've already signed up, and you're chosen as a winner, we will refund your purchase price!)
And we promise, there will be absolutely no hazing of our new recruits. Nor will there be any required push-ups. But there will be lots of army puns, plenty of pink camo, and dozens of inspiring ideas that will last you the rest of the year.

See you in Boot Camp


  1. Whoot! Whoot! I love Pink Camo and this sounds like an AWESOME event, thanks for the sharing hoping to get in on this one :)

  2. Would love to do this class but I'm not home that week........does that matter.......can I still do it later........hope I can because everything sounds wonderful!!!

  3. I think it sounds like so much fun! I'd love the chance to win a spot. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Now that's the kind of boot camp I might enjoy!

  5. Sounds like fun! Thanks for a chance to win... I really can't afford it right now so this would be awesome! As long as there iare no push up's or runs in the rain carrying our craft supplies... I'm in for it!

  6. My fingers are crossed! Sounds fun!

  7. No Hazing, loads of Army puns.... I'm in! ha ha
    I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for this. Loved the sneak peak.

  8. This sounds like so much fun and I would love to win!

  9. Since there's no hazing or push ups then let the fun begin! Shannon theirishscrapper2011atgmaildotcom

  10. Looks like fun! My scrapbooty needs some shapeup!

  11. This sounds like fun. I am going to have to sign up. Love the boot camp concept.

  12. Would love to join you in Boot Camp! Thanks for the chance.

  13. Heard so much about this, and the teahers are really amazing too!

  14. This sounds like something that would get me ready for my scrapbook retreat at the end of the month. I would love to win a spot at your camp.

  15. I love to be able to take a class and not get out of my PJ'S.

  16. Angie and Wendy are so cute! Sounds like fun! Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  17. It's strange to say this, but Boot Camp sounds like fun.

  18. Wendy and Angie are awesome - Boot camp will be great!

  19. This Boot Camp sounds like a lot more fun that the one my husband talks about!

  20. This Boot Camp sounds like a lot more fun that the one my husband talks about!

  21. I am sooo excited for boot camp! If is just what I need!

  22. Sounds like FUN! THANK YOU for this chance to win!

  23. Wow, it sounds fun~ ♥ Would love to win this! XD

  24. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome class!

  25. This sounds like a fun and lively class. i would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

  26. I love all of the instructors included in this boot camp! Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

  27. This sounds like an super fun event! I'd love to win a spot!

  28. This sounds like so much fun!!! Thanks for the chance!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  29. I would love to win a spot in boot camp! It sounds like a lot of fun and the kind of motivation I could use right now!

  30. Best BOOT CAMP idea ever........wicked!

  31. I'm so hoping to get in on this one! I need the motivation. Thanks for the chance :)

  32. Can't wait till 10/3. In the mean time, I'll be getting my craft own with a little "boot camp".

  33. Sounds like fun. Maybe it is just what I need to kick myself into starting and finishing some scrapbook projects I want to do 'someday'.

  34. Sounds like a great time. Thanks for the chance.

  35. Now this would be my kind of boot camp because I can still take part even though I have RA LOL RA doesn't mix well with an athletic training course LOL

  36. This is going to be so much fun! Can't wait for next week!

    Benessi, CA

  37. Sounds like fun and lots of great learning :)

  38. What a great class. I love boot camps.

  39. Sounds like this is something I really need to do.The "drill instructors" are some of my all time fav's.

  40. This will be my form of webinar mainly because I am able to nonetheless engage while We have RA Haha RA will not merge nicely by having an specific sport study course Hahah

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  41. This is so cool! Excited to see you starting to do stuff like this.I'm still just a hack, of course, but I learn so much when I get the chance to tag along when you're shooting. Plus with your knowledge of photographing Viet Nam, this should be an amazing trip for people.


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