
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wendy and Angie Invite YOU to Boot Camp!

Wendy Smedley and Angie Lucas (that's me!) are thrilled to be hosting our own show, Books & Crafts with Ella Publishing Co., on My Craft Channel! We had a blast filming our first set of episodes, and we've got a dozen more projects halfway started, and SO MANY more ideas swirling around in these nerdy little heads of ours. (We LOVE books, we love scrapbooking, and we love Jane Austen with all our hearts, so yes you probably can safely call us nerds. It's a good thing that "geek chic" is in right now!)

Since we're all waiting anxiously for the fall season to start on October 3rd, why not kill some time by spending a week with us in Boot Camp!?! It's coming to a computer near you next week, September 19 through 24. 

What is Boot Camp?

We'll it's the world's TOP military-themed, video-centric scrapbooking event OF ALL TIME! And YOU can join us and hundreds of fellow scrapbookers from September 19-24 (NEXT WEEK!) to enjoy:

  • 12 amazing video drills
  • 6 bonus inspiration videos
  • bonus downloads
  • daily giveaways
  • 40+ minutes of inspired, targeted, bite-sized crafting each day
All of this for just $33. Or use the coupon code GIJANE to save $2 now! 

Our drill instructors include:
  • Angie Lucas on journaling
  • Nichol Magouirk on stamping
  • Lisa Dickinson on design
  • Maggie Holmes on photo effects
  • Wendy Smedley on inspiration
Watch this short preview video to see actual footage from four of our video drills, so you can see a teeny tiny slice of what you'll be getting as a registered Boot Camp Recruit!

And if that didn't convince you, Wendy and I are not above donning pink camo hats in order to recruit you to our fun event (and YES we'll also be giving one of these hats away to a Boot Camper, too!):

If you're still thinking about it, but haven't yet decided, at least leave a comment below, because we're picking ONE random winner who gets in for FREE. (If you've already signed up, and you're chosen as a winner, we will refund your purchase price!)
And we promise, there will be absolutely no hazing of our new recruits. Nor will there be any required push-ups. But there will be lots of army puns, plenty of pink camo, and dozens of inspiring ideas that will last you the rest of the year.

See you in Boot Camp

Friday, September 9, 2011

Big News for My Craft Channel, Oct 3rd and Giveaway

We wanted the My Craft Channel fans to hear our BIG NEWS before the official announcement is made to the public. But first did you hear that our fall season will officially begin on October 3rd? So mark your calendars...

But now for our big news....

Octavio Media, parent company of Northridge Publishing has partnered with My Craft Channel!

Kristine McKay owner/founder of My Craft Channel shared, “My vision for My Craft Channel has been an exciting journey that has gained more excitement and interest from the craft industry than I ever expected.  I've had several offers from companies to sell the channel. Considering that it isn't even live yet, that is a huge compliment for what we are building. My answer has been no because their vision was not the same as mine. However, we have had an amazing opportunity to partner with Octavio Media. This is a company I have worked with for quite sometime. I am currently their spokesperson for CreaTV. I have enjoyed my relationship with this company and look forward to working with them on My Craft Channel.

What does this mean for YOU? 
  • A larger viewing audience so we can bring even even more quality shows to you.
  • A larger audience will increase our voice to network and cable TV...because we WANT OUR CRAFT SHOWS BACK!
  • Printed Idea Books featuring your favorite hosts from My Craft Channel. 
  • Bigger and more frequent giveaways! 
  • And most importantly they will bring amazing sponsors to help pay for the programming so we can continue to offer our shows to you for FREE (so please support our sponsors). 

So let's celebrate with some GIVEAWAYS! 
Since our new Fall Season begins in October...month 10....I think we should giveaway 10 of the new Create: Holidays idea book from Northridge. 

Leave us a comment here on our blog, or on our Facebook page telling us that you "marked your calendars for October 3rd for the start of My Craft Channel and you'll be entered to win (leave a comment in both places and enter to win twice).

You'll have until Sunday evening at 11:59pm MST to enter. Winners will be announced on Monday, September 12th. 

My Craft Channel’s fall line-up includes 20 new shows a week and all from recognizable top names in their genre. Crafters from around the world can view our broadcast quality streaming shows hosted on the website. This first season shows will be available on all flash ready devices and also an iPad app to be released soon. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Craft Tech: Let's Talk Tech

I thought it would be fun to ask our readers about their favorite tech and how you use it for crafting. Did you know one of our new shows featuring the awesome Ana Cabrera will talk about how to incorporate technology into crafting? Seriously cool idea don't you think? Here she is on set....

Other then my Gypsy and Cricut I didn't think I used technology so much in crafting. However, with my some very cool apps on my iPad I have found I'm using technology more and more for a great reference tool. Let me tell you about this app that I found out about from Ana, it's called Evernote.  

Capture Anything. Save your ideas, things you like, things you hear, and things you see. All you have to do is download the Evernote tool to your computer and a button shows up on your browser bar (it's the elephant). 
So when I need a blog post to reference I simply click on my Evernote button and is uploads that post to Evernote and I can ACCESS it everywhere. Then I take my iPad with me where I need it and there is the blog post on my Evernote app to reference...and I don't have to be online to access it either.

I'm sure that it will make more sense when you download this app and give it a try. But I use it for almost all my crafty projects and recipes I want to make!! Thanks Ana for the tech tip!! 
Ana on the set of her the flip flops & shades!!
We're curious....what is YOUR favorite "tech" things you use that help you when getting crafty?? 

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Talent of "Get a Little Creative" crafters!

We had some great photos taken during filming of some of the Get a Little Creative group and thought we'd share with with you today. We also wanted to encourage you to like their Facebook page as well. But even better, be sure to visit all of their blogs for daily crafting inspiration. Beckie, Jennifer and Heather area among my favorite bloggers and their craft ideas are among the many that I've personally duplicated. 

Isn't Shelley from House of Smiths so cute!!
Love the homey feeling of their chic set!
Part of the Get a Little Creative show format involves interviewing and working with other fabulously crafting bloggers, some you might recognize are shown in this photo!

The terrific trio - Jennifer, Heather and Beckie

We asked the girls how they got started with their crafty blogs. Jennifer told us, "I have always been creative. I was an art major in college. After having kids, I started documenting my DIY/crafting ideas on my blog and found out that I love blogging as a way of sharing." Visit Jennifer's Tater Tots and Jello blog. 

We asked Heather the same question and her response was, "I have been blogging since 2000. I started a self-published craft magazine in 2005 and managed the layout, printing, editing and over 15 contributors. I also sold lip balm and other crafts on Etsy, and had one of the top three Etsy shops in 2006. I decided I enjoyed teaching about crafting more than selling crafts I made, so I started craft-blogging in 2007." Visit Heather's Dollar Store Crafts blog

And the awesome Beckie told us, ":  It was by total accident.  I have always been a creative person but it wasn’t until I started blogging that I found an outlet to showcase my skills.  I started a blog after moving across the country.  It was a way to try to keep in contact with those I had just left.  I started writing about the projects I did around the house and about a year and half later I thought, “Who are these people and why are they following me?”  It was then in July of 2009 when I decided to pursue it as a career." You're going to love Beckie's Infarrantly Creative blog. 

So what creative ideas have you been inspire by recently?