
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Great Pinterest Challenge!

I happened up this really fun idea over on my friends blog and asked her if we could let our followers know about it...she of course said YES!! 

It's such a fun idea to take the wonderful inspiration you find on Pinterest, create a project and share! Let's show them how talented the My Craft Channel fans are and show them our take on the inspiration we find on Pinterest. Here are the rules, but you can also check out the Topsy Turvy blog for more details. 
If you do end up participating, let the My Craft Channel fans know about your entry on Facebook and we'll all make sure to come over and VOTE!! 

1 comment:

  1. I swear I'm like the only person that doesnt' have an account, lol. How do so many people get invited? Fun challenge though, I'll have to check out the outcomes!


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