
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Guess the My Craft Channel Host Coming the Fall

We are so excited about the new hosts join My Craft Channel this fall. We promised the big unveil next week with a lot of fan fare and fireworks...but we are having a hard time keeping it under wraps! So we thought we'd give you some hints and let you GUESS one of our hosts from the hints we've listed below. We might even be able to convince the right host to sponsor a giveaway too...but even they don't know who we're featuring.

Hint #1 - This host's goal is to promote and motivate women of all backgrounds, ages and ethnicities to join the art and craft movement. 

Hint #2 - This host can be found traveling around the world, sharing their passion and love for all things creative.

Hint #3 - This host says, "I’m a rather irreverent person. I don’t take life too serious. I love a good belly laugh. My kids would say I’m bossy. I just think I know what I want."

Hint #4 - This host loves to work with wax mediums to cloth projects, jewelry play to sewing techniques.

Hint #5 - This host believes that anyone can be creative.

Hint #6 - This host has featured on the The Rachael Ray Show. 

Hint #7 - This host started a self-published craft magazine in 2005 and managed the layout, printing, editing and over 15 contributors.

Hint #8 - This host has worked every job in her industry from designer, teacher, editor and marketer - crafts are truly in her blood. 

Hint #9 - This host manages their own photography/design business in additional to a very popular blog. 

Hint #10 - This host says they are lucky enough to have a spouse who is as passionate as they are about life, DIY'ing and making their house a home.

Okay, that's all we're giving you and don't assume those that have answered before you...keep guessing (we might have thrown in some hints to throw you). I know this seems tough but give it a try. 

Leave a comment about your guess. 

Good Luck!!


  1. These two names popped into my head...but it's a complete guess!! -Kathy Cano-Murillo (although I don't think she does photography) or -Elsie Larson (formerly Elsie Flannigan)...could I be more opposite??? ;)

  2. Lori All-RED! Who else? She's amazing!

  3. Amy Coon and Lori would ROCK it! I'm excited to see who it's going to be!!!

  4. I think it is Amy Coon csn't wait

  5. I have no idea who the hints refer to, but I am going to enjoy learning about each of them, and the ideas and techniques that will be shared on the new craft channel. Crafting is so much fun the more I learn the more I realize that knowing how to do several different crafts help in creating several projects. I can't wait to learn new techniques and new crafts so I can be even more creative!

  6. Hint #6 is the twins Kim and Kris the others....right now I have no clue.

  7. So excited cannot wait to see what all the buzzzz is about : )


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