
Monday, June 13, 2011

Behind the scenes

We are Busy behind the scenes getting this ready for our launch. Everyone involved has been sworn to secrecy and I'm shocked that we've been able to contain it this long with so many people involved. As we near our media launch I've been leaking a little more info here and there. I am so excited to get this going so I can start revealing the amazing hosts we have lined up for the show. It all begins on July 5th. I can hardly wait. One thing that I can announce is our newest member to My Craft Channel . . . Mrs. Lori Allred.

A social media guru by day, a wife and mom of two teenagers by night, Lori’s old enough to know better, but still young enough to get in trouble. She enjoys spending time with her family and most of all playing with and collecting scrapbook supplies!

Lori’s experience within the craft industry has spanned over fifteen years. She brings with her valuable experience in working for Creating Keepsakes magazine, some top scrapbook manufacturers and a large retail store chain. Here marketing expertise and crafting background are the perfect combination for product development, education and her real love, social media.

In addition, her design work has been published in a majority of publications and websites. She has designed and taught paper crafting classes around the world at scrapbook conventions for many years and loves meeting people who share her same love of paper!

Most recently Lori managed all project designs and social media marketing efforts for Imaginisce and loves being connected to scrapbookers from all around the globe. You can find her blogging all hours of the night or on Facebook!

We feel so lucky to have her!


  1. welcome!

    i am so happy i found this site through "scrapbook update".

    marking the calendars............. :)

  2. Lori Allred is one of my absolute favorite crafter,blogger,designers. Can't wait!


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