
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nov. 28th: Decorating with Lockers and Inspired by Pinterest, Thanksgiving Deals of Your Choice only $12.99

Inspired by Pinterest: Decorating with Lockers

Join Lori Allred ( as she talked about Pinterest as a great resource for decorating and home resources. In today's episode she features school lockers and how you can incorporate them into different parts of your home and for different uses. And to help promote looking at lockers in a different way, is sponsoring a GIVEAWAY. Visit Lori's blog to enter to win a locker in the color of your choice!!!

 Featured Buy: Thanksgiving "Your Choice" Buys

Happy Thanksgiving! To celebrate we wanted to give you a full plate to choose from! Better yet... all of today's deals are only $12.99 while supplies last!

 Today's Cost $12.99

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