Inspired by Pinterest: Decorative Push Pins & Tacks
Join Lori Allred ( and she and her daughter Emma share
some creative ideas for making your own decorative push pins and tacks.
You'd never imagine that adding items like scrapbook bling, epoxy
stickers, flair and more could create one of a kind push pins for your
bulletin boards. So dig through those button jars and pull out your old
game pieces because we're getting Inspired by Pinterest today. For more
ideas and direct links to any of the original pins mentioned in today's
episode visit
August's Kit of The Month is finally here!! This month we are celebrating everyday moments spent with our family. This beautiful kit is filled with warm fall colors with endearing family sentiments. There are dozens of embellishments and full page color instructions that walk you through step by step to complete 4 layouts. Check out today's video to see it up close.
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