
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Update from MCC: April Kit of the Month + Moving to New Studio

Do you love pretty papers and embellishments? 

Have you patiently been waiting for us to offer the April Kit of the Month

Do you adore kits of yummy new product and ideas?

Well.... we are still working on pulling together a new and amazing Kit of the Month for April. We have been scouring our favorite manufacturers to find the perfect finishing touches in this month's kit. So please be patient with us. We want to get it just right for you. Good things cannot be rushed!!

And April's kit is like no other. You'll be glad you waited and love what Kristine and our team have pulled together yet again for you to create with.

So keep watching our 
blog and Facebook for the update on when this 
KIT is available for sale.

In addition to working on getting this just right, our team has been very busy moving our filming studio to a new and larger facility. We're thrilled at the growth we are experiencing and couldn't have gotten here with you out you our viewers.

Here's some fun pictures we rounded up to share of the recent move.

 And proof that even we have a bit of a hoarding problem (this isn't even all of our stuff)....

Have a great day from all of us here at My Craft Channel!! 

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