
Friday, April 26, 2013

Apr. 26th: And She Will Fly's Annie West, Call Me Mama Leisha Returns, Featured Buy Cottage Farms

Sassy Style: Annie West

Tausha loves meeting and connecting with creative people. Annie West, her guest today, is one of those amazingly creative people. Tausha and Annie will share ideas on photography & decorating with things that represent you and what you truly love. Be sure to check out Annie's site at

Megan's guest Aleisha will have your raiding your grandma's jewelry and hunting down those fun vintage pieces! She's got some projects to add some bling to your wardrobe! Visit Aleisha's blog

Featured Buy: Cottage Farms Project Kit

Inspired by all things “cottage”, Rebecca from Pink Paislee told me that she almost named this collection ‘farmstead.’  Because it is perfect for any girl who loves to shop her local farmer’s market!  It has trendy and modern elements with a touch of vintage inspired icons.  It’s perfect for all of your organic creations!  Today’s Featured buy showcases a darling accordion album in a tinbox with window.  Check it out!

MSPR $30.00
Today's Cost $18.99
Click to Buy Now

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