
Friday, November 30, 2012

Deseret Book Mercantile Giveaway


This week we have partnered with Deseret Book to bring you one of a best prize packages. You can enter here on our Facebook page, our blog or Tausha Hoyt's blog too. Winner will be announced on December 7th.

Eight lucky winners will be selected to win prizes featured in Tausha's Sassy Style Holiday Decorating with Deseret Book episode.

Be sure to watch Tausha's episode on My Craft Channel here...

Prizes Include: We are going to be picking a winner for each of our prizes. So that means there are eight chances for you to win!!

TWO $50 Gift Cards to the online Zions Mercantile Department
Beautiful home decor pieces that were featured in the Sassy Style episode from the DB Mercantile Department
TWO sets of  2-Industrial Clips (size may vary)

TWO Sets of 4-piece Manchester Rose Deseret Plates

TWO Sets of 4-piece Manchester Rose Tea Cups
How to Enter: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

We'd love it if you'd share a link to this can link to this blog post or our Facebook app.

Good Luck!  

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