
Friday, March 30, 2012

8:00pm-9:00pm Contest (Final one!!)

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

CHALLENGE: Check out the Scrapbook Expo list of events and tell us which one is closest to YOU.  
Leave a comment under this post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 

The one in Ontaario which is the first one I ever went to and happens to fall in my birthday month! So, I consider all of my purchases a gift to myself!
BONUS PRIZE: Scrapbook Expo has agreed to give 2 tickets for you and a
friend to join them at the nearest event!! (Remind us when you email us)

7:00pm-8:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

QUESTION: What products would you buy if offered as a Featured Buy on My Craft Channel?   
Leave a comment under this post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 


I'd love to see project kits that would include everything you need to complete it. Im' also thrilled to see anything new to the market.

6:00pm-7:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Submit a photo the last card you created or received on our Facebook Contest Page*.
*(Please do not post to our wall.) 

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.
Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 

Julie Kauffman (Cricut Chick)

5:00pm-6:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

QUESTION: Do you get together with friends when you're being crafty? If so, how often and what do you do (scrapbook, quilt, paint)?   
Leave a comment under this post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 


We have a weekly scrap night and one of us brings dinner> Most of us scrapbook but some bring other projects such as knitting or home decor items! we have done this for about 2 years now.

4:00pm-5:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Submit a photo of the last crafty project you finished on our Facebook Contest Page*.
*(Please do not post to our wall.) 

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 

Tifany DeGough

3:00pm-4:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

QUESTION: What craft blog or website do you visit most often?
Leave a comment under this post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 


2:00pm-3:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Submit a photo of an unfinished craft project on 
our Facebook Contest Page*.
*(Please do not post to our wall.) 

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.
Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 

Jamie Papantonakis

1:00pm-2:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

QUESTION: Do you sew, crochet, knit, embroider or all the above?  
Leave a comment under this post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 


I cross stitch and embroider. I WANT to learn how to knit and crochet and my mom has tried to teach me several tmes, but I am hopeless at it! Maybe you could have some knitting and crocheting for dummies shows! lol :)

Thursday's Grand Prize Winner Announced

CONGRATS to the winner 
of the I-TOP 2.0 BUNDLE 

We asked you to submit a photo or video of something you'd created with a past Featured Buy product kit from My Craft Channel. We selected the following winner at random and we're excited to announce yesterday's Grand Prize Winner as:

BRENDA BECKNELL - We R Memory Keepers Sew Stamper

TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: Please email us your shipping information to Put "I-TOP 2.0 Bundle Winner" in the subject line. You have until Monday 4/2 to claim your prize.

12:00pm-1:00pm Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Submit a photo the inside of your purse 
on our Facebook Contest Page*.
*(Please do not post to our wall.) 

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.
Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 

Angela Alexander

11:00am-12:00 Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Submit a photo VINYL project you have in your home (that you created or purchased), post it on our Facebook Contest Page*.
*(Please do not post to our wall.) 

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.
Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 

Shannon Colon
Loved the personalize garbage cans!

10:00am-11:00am Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Submit a photo of your laundry (clean or dirty) or your laundry room on our Facebook Contest Page*.
*(Please do not post to our wall.) 
7Gypsies Tray

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 

Jennie Berger

9:00am-10:00am Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

QUESTION: What's your favorite thing about Fridays?
Leave a comment under this post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.

Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 


I love Fridays because they bring the hope of some great family time on the weekend -- and we can stay up late without the worry of a 6 a.m. alarm. (My daughter let us sleep to about 7 instead!) ;)

8:00am-9:00am Contest

Join us today from 8:00am - 8:00pm for a LIVE CONTEST and GIVEAWAYS every hour...with a grand prize the end of each day! Some contests will require you to upload a photograph through our Facebook page here. Or simply leave a comment here on our blog under each blog post. 

CHALLENGE: Send us a link your blog and what you blog about the most. If you're not a blogger, then send us a link to your favorite blog and tell us why it's your favorite. Leave a comment under this post and you could win....

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winner on our Facebook page. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. If you miss your name on our Facebook page, we will post them here on the blog at the end of the day.
Don't Forget about today's Grand Prize Contest 
that runs throughout today! 


Lynda Jeffs - I'm all about teaching people how to scrapbook and make cards on what they have at home... I'm all for saving money when you create - by spending money wisely!

Last Day of Sweeps Week: Viewer Tip Grand Prize

Today's Grand Prize is a great great in fact you've had all week to submit your video for this contest. The lucky winner will received Xyron Creatopia Bundle worth over $200.  

VIDEO CONTEST:  Viewer Tips of the Day
To participate in this contest you simply need to create a quick tip or mini tutorial that is no longer then 1:30 minutes long (no exceptions). You can use your web camera or a flip cam, no fancy editing required. The ONLY requirement is you must say the following in your video, "Hi, this is [Insert Your Name] for My Craft Channel with your Tip of the Day Sponsored by Scrapbook Expo." Then upload your video with a link You must upload it to our Facebook Contest Tab before Friday, March 30th at 11:59pm MST

We will share all of your tips of the day on the My Craft Channel website and link back to your blog. One lucky winner will be selected at random to win our Grand Prize Package that includes the following: 
6 Tickets to a Scrapbook Expo Event for you and 
your friends (you pick the location)
Year Subscription Scrapbook Trends, Cards 
or Cricut Magazine (you choose)
Xyron Creatopia Bundle (over $200 value)

HOW TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: We'll post the hourly winners after each post, so be sure to come back and see if you won. We'll also post a final winners list at the end of the day. Please email your shipping details to with the subject line of which hourly contest you won. 

Today on My Craft Channel: March 30th

One Charming Party Show: Chocolate Mustaches

Kelly Rigby Winslow has created many adorable children’s birthday parties and is a wonder with chocolate molds. She joins Brittany in making the popular chocolate mustaches in today’s episode.

Tip of the Day: Frugal Friday - Bakers Twine
I've Got Baker's Twine. What Can I do With It? Your friends said you needed to buy baker's twine. So you did. Watch some easy ways to actually use that stash of twine. Visit Scrapbook Expo's website to find an event near you.

Remember our Sweeps Week Continues!! 

Check to see if you were a winner on Thursday here.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thursday, March 29th Challenge Winners!

Winners from Thursday, March 29th Contests:

  • 8:00 am Basic Grey Rub-on Kit – Rather be crafting then
Lizzie: “I would rather be crafting than sitting here at work with a migraine!”
  • 9:00 am Kristine McKay Signature Series Book – My Craft Channel Launch date
featheredheaven: “It was July 11th 2011!!!! It's been awesome ever since! I love watching for new products, love watching the tips of the day, and how to do and use products...everything is awesome and I love this site! -Sue O”
  • 10:00 am Basic Grey Sampler Kit – Favorite My Craft Channel Episode
ShoppingTamii: “ANY of Christy Tomlinson's...LOVE”
  • 11:00 am Glitz Girls Paper Kit – Photo of a Failed Craft Project
Jessica Shelton
  • 12:00 pm Grandma’s Feather Bed Paper Pack from Bazzill – Would like to see more of
redrobin: “Photography, sewing, I miss from the first season. I like Heidi Swapp so much and look forward to Wed. I like seeing how new products work and how you like them. Thank you for this sight, I watch it every day!”
  • 1:00 pm My Mind’s Eye Mini Album Kit – Photo of most Favorite Scrapbook Layout/Craft Project
Lisa Maxwell
  • 2:00 pm Set of 52 acrylic stamps from Imaginisce – Favorite Pin
Pamela O'Connor:
  • 3:00 pm April issue Scrapbook Trends – Share a link to our Facebook Page
Mandi: “Done I posted on my wall here.”
  • 4:00 pm Celebrate paper Kit From Authentique – Favorite Craft/Hardware Store
Carmen: “I try & support our local Scrapbook stores like The Workshop, Pointers & Bella. I go to Michaels only when they have a good sale. When I go across the Border, I LOVE ACMoore & Joann's. I live to shop, what more can I say. LOL”
  • 5:00 pm Worth Remembering Paper Pack from Bazzill – How do you store your ribbon
JulieRig: “Believe it or not I used to be a Mary Kay consultant and I had this big "tackle box" used for sample products. I hung on to it and finally realized it's great for ribbon. Big rolls are stored inside and cut lengths are stored in the too section that has many cubby holes. I can pick the whole case up to browse through and my goal is to never exceed the storage capacity. Keeps my stash in check.”

  • 6:00 pm Bazzill Marathon runner + refill – Do you buy or make your jewelry
Lindsay: “I prefer to buy it,mostly because I don't know how to make it,and with 5 kids I don't know if I would have time,lol. I do make my own hair bows and flower pins and stuff though for me and my 3 girls...and several friends,haha”

  • 7:00 pm Teresa Collins Fabrications Kit – Ever been to a Craft Event
Dawn Hopkins: “I have in the past, but it's been about 4 years. I'm hoping to get to a Scrapbook Expo this year though!”

  • 8:00 pm 7 Gypsies Tray – YouTube Channel Lineup
Betsy: “CC was the first thing commented on in the feed, for the actual video link it was a My Craft Channel Tip of the Day”

Our GRAND PRIZE WINNER will be announced in the morning!

TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE: Please email us at with your shipping information. You MUST put in the "subject line" of the email the following, "Time, Date and Prize". For example, if you are Dawn Hopkins then you would put this in your subject line, "3/29 7:00pm Teresa Collins Fabrications Kit prize". You will have until Monday 4/2 at 8:00am MDT to claim your prize.